

Fly – Jessie Shier, ©️

We all experience the fear, it’s part of life, it’s part of being alive. We all get stuck, it’s part of the learning and getting stronger. It’s when that getting stuck becomes a pattern, a pattern of avoidance, and the getting stuck has become a permanent position, you get stagnancy, and that’s when the person needs help. There’s a problem. They have become crippled by the fear. Because the fear, the nerve-wracking, it’s part of being alive, it’s what makes us feel alive! Some people thrive on it. Some seek it out. Others avoid it and they get stuck and need pushing. But when that becomes a stubborness that doesn’t allow them to move, you’ve got someone who’s stuck in the mud.

We all need to fly. It’s not a choice. It’s not something you need to think about. It’s something you need to respond to.

The bird doesn’t spend its life thinking about whether it wants to fly. It responds to an urge, a need to fly.

We encounter situations where we need to take a leap. And the fear is a normal part of that. It’s like the door we have to pass through. But if we don’t leap because we are crippled by the fear, we will never fly. And then we are vulnerable to predators. And we rot. Then those types get taken advantage of, and their getting stuck at the precipice led to them falling into the jaws of a predator. And that thing you wanted to do seems far away as you get caught up in the dramas of the pit. When you feel the fear, know that hesitating, or turning back, is extremely dangerous. You will rot. It’s a kind of spiritual death. Predators wait there. And when you turn back you fall into the pit where the predators lay, and they will wrap you up in their silk and you will be unable to escape their demands and their needs. They will devour you. That is hell.

That is one hell.

When you are there, and you feel the fear, know that feeling the fall into that pit is infinitely worse than this fear. Don’t turn back. If you hesitate too long they will come out of the pit and drag you down. When you feel the fear, jump! Whatever happens to you, it will not be as bad as turning back.

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